
Do Does Did

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of do.


Use does when the subject is a singular noun or a third person singular pronoun (e.g. he, she, it).

Use do when the subject is a plural noun or a plural pronoun. (e.g. they, we). The first person singular pronoun I also takes do.

Use did in the past tense. It is easy to decide whether a sentence is in the past tense. You just need to look for past time adverbs. For example, if you find words/phrases like yesterday or last year, it is safe to assume that the given sentence is in the past tense.

Read more at http://www.englishpractice.com/quiz/grammar-exercise-8/#PsyhIs1EA69d57jf.99


Keep going!  Do Does Did! Practice makes perfect, so here are some more!





Need more help?  Here is a very detailed explanation of ‘Do – Does – Did – Done’ from Woodward English

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