Daily Grammar
Like fruits and vegetables, grammar is part of a healthy balanced life. Well, maybe not for everyone, but if you are learning a language, daily grammar activities should be part of your routine.
Many people don’t have time to eat the proper nutrients during the day, so they take vitamins and get their daily dose of whatever they are missing. (ex- I take a vitamin every morning to make sure I get my daily dose of Vitamin C.) “I don’t have time for that”, a commonly heard excuse for not doing something. Exercise, cooking properly, improving a skill such as a language… I’d say we are all guilty of procrastination at some point or another.
I tell my students that they need to exercise their brain daily and fit some English language activity in everyday. Activity being the key word there. Listening and reading are great, but those fall into the category of passive learning. This is easier because you do not have ‘to act’. Active learning is when you have to produce something, like an answer in a quiz or a spoken response to someone else.
Fitting grammar in every day does not mean that boring heavy text-books have to be a part of your daily life. It can be a simple little quiz (Active learning FTW!) or a quick review of something you think you know pretty well already. The key is to make it part of your routine. Perhaps everyday while you are eating breakfast with your lap-top open (you know you do this!) you can open up a grammar quiz page and do one.
I’m going to start using #EngGrammar on twitter to tag grammar activities. So make some time and get your daily dose of grammar!
dose (noun) a quantity of a medicine or drug taken or recommended to be taken at a particular timeprocrastination (noun) the action of delaying or postponing somethingfit (something) in (phrasal verb) to give a place or time toFTW (slang) “For The Win” An enthusiastic emphasis to the end of a comment, message or post*practice using these words in the comments section and I will check them and give you feedback*